April 4, 2022

Dwelling On The Past
So I want to talk about the devotion the Kidzablaze did together March 19th, about dwelling in your past mistakes.
Y’all might know about the MBTI personality test thing. Well, I took it, and my turbulence was 93%, which means I am 93% not confident in my decisions.
If you know me, you might know that it is true. I’m definitely not confident in my decisions. So I really understood this devotion.
We Know We Can Be Forgiven
The devotion, on the verses Psalm 32:1-5, was about how the Lord will forgive the mistakes you made in the past. I’ll give you a little bit of what I wrote:
“Lord, help me not to dwell on the past and the mistakes I’ve made. I know that you have forgiven me.”
I think that we should all really think about what we have done in the past, and remember that the Lord has forgiven us, even if you think it’s something that’s not forgivable. I’ve made a lot of mistakes. Even when some of them were just when I misunderstood something, sometimes I still think that I mess up so bad that I can’t be forgiven. But I am learning that all mistakes, mishaps, or misunderstandings will be forgiven by the Lord.
"I acknowledged my sin to You,
And my iniquity I have not hidden.
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,”
And You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah"
Psalm 32:5 (NKJV)